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Make your partner's expat placement your own dream come true!

Would you like…


  • …to relaunch or reorient your career?


  • …to have active support in setting up your support system abroad and quit being the family's "back-office"?


  • …to decide what you want for yourself from this move abroad and define a clear step-by-step strategy to reach your goal?


  • Did you leave behind a great career, loved ones, a home that you now miss?


Launch your path to transformation with this 12-week coaching programme! You get 12 1-1,5 hrs coaching sessions from a coach who has been there and knows the challenges you are facing.



This 1-to-1 coaching programme is tailored to your individual needs. It aims to assess your options, identify your goals, overcome challenges on the way, so that you can stop being the "trailing spouse" and start putting your own agenda in action.


If you are located in the vicinity of Cambridge or London, we can meet face to face. Globally, I coach my clients online.


3 reports to visualise your goals and progress!


Your mindset checklist!


Online questionnaire before each session!


“Let’s revisit!” worksheets after each session!


All the extra e-mail support that you need!

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